=== New Features in NIST MS Search version 2.0g (May 2011 release) === == What's New in the NIST MS Search Program v.2.0g == - Search for the **exact mass** value in the NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Databases or any User Database and use of the __accurate__ or __exact__ mass as a search constraint. - Search for __exact fragment ion mass__ values in NIST 11 Databases **mainlib**, **replib**, and **nist_msms**. - Display of the __exact mass__ with any spectrum that has an associated elemental composition (chemical formula). - Optional columns in Hit Lists containing the number of **Synonyms** and the number of Other Databases in which the Hit appears. The **Hit List** can be sorted according to the values in these columns. - Managing and searching as many as 127 separate mass spectral databases instead of 16, which was the limit in previous versions. - Up to 1,048,560 spectra in a single database instead of 786,420 spectra allowed in the previous versions. - Import spectra from mzXML and mzData MS and MS/MS files (in addition to mgf, msp, dta, pkl, JCAMP, etc.) - Option to turn off homolog hits in a **Structure Similarity Search**. - Full compatibility with most recent [[http://peptide.nist.gov/|NIST Peptide MS/MS Databases]]. - Sorting the **Spec List** alphabetically and by the accession numbers. - Copying selected lines from **Hit List** or **Spec List** into Windows Clipboard as tab-delimited Unicode text; this may be conveniently pasted into Excel. - MS/MS Instrument Type constraint. - Tags in Comment constraint has been enhanced to include Tags in **Text Information** window. - When a Tagged item from the Comment is displayed separately in **Text Information** window its display in the __Comment__ line is suppressed. - Searching for a text in a **Text Information** window of a spectrum. - Spectra in the MSP text format can be imported from the Windows Clipboard into the **Spec List**. - Default view of Constraints and Other Searches dialog boxes changed to provide more convenience to the users. - An alternative peak matching method has been added to improve the reliability of the score when searching noisy MS/MS spectra. - The [[chemdata:interpreter|MS Interpreter Program]] displays high accuracy mass for both molecular ions and product ions and can use __exact mass__. - The ability to **Hot-Key** between tab displays of the Program using **Ctl-Tab** and **Ctrl-Shift-Tab** has been added.