==== Glycopeptide Mass Spectral Library (HCD) of Human IgG1 mAb Drugs ==== Over 1,700 HCD energy-dependent spectra for 81 different glycans attached to different tryptic peptide sequence motifs are contained in the glycopeptide library of human and recombinant IgG antibodies. \\ The library is available in a .ZIP archive as part of NIST MS Search, a full-featured Microsoft Windows® application. //Reference: J Proteome Res. 2016, 15 (5),1472-86; [[https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.jproteome.5b01046|DOI]]. In-Depth Characterization and Spectral Library Building of Glycopeptides in the Tryptic Digest of a Monoclonal Antibody Using 1D and 2D LC-MS/MS. Dong Q, Yan X, Liang Y, and Stein SE. // ^ ^File ^Size ^Link to download | |1| **NIST_IgG_Glycopeptide.zip** - Archive for Installation of Windows Database Program and Library. Download archive and unzip installation file. Run NIST_IgG_Glycopeptide.exe to install the search program and database |~12MB |[[https://chemdata.nist.gov/download/peptide_library/libraries/glycopeptide/NIST_IgG_Glycopeptide.zip|Download]] | |2| **IgG_Glycopeptide_HCD_v1_msp.zip** - Archive with library in MSP (text) format |~1.3MB |[[https://chemdata.nist.gov/download/peptide_library/libraries/glycopeptide/IgG_Glycopeptide_HCD_v1_msp.zip|Download]] | |3| **Readme.pdf** - Short instruction for installation and use |~214KB |[[https://chemdata.nist.gov/download/peptide_library/libraries/glycopeptide/Readme.pdf|Download]] | |4| md5_checklist.chk - MD5 hash file. | 1KB |[[https://chemdata.nist.gov/download/peptide_library/libraries/glycopeptide/md5_checklist.chk|Download]] | {{page>peptidew:lib:pepcopyright}}