==== MS_Piano for Annotating Peaks in Mass Spectra of Peptides and N-Glycopeptides ==== MS_Piano (Mass Spectrum Peptide Annotation) is a comprehensive software for fast and reliable annotation of **high- and low- resolution** tandem mass spectra of **CID and ETD** in **positive and negative modes** for **peptides, N- and O- linked glycopeptides**. It annotates each peak in a spectrum with possible product ion(s) and the mass difference between the measured and theoretical m/z values. It also measures the spectral quality with various parameters. This software has been used as an essential software tool for building NIST Libraries of Peptides and Glycopeptides. MS_Piano is freely available for the Windows operating system. MS_Piano Version 4.3 download: {{ :peptidew:ms_piano_exe.zip |ms_piano_exe.zip}} * Software tool convert2msp to convert the files from MS_Fragger and pGlyco searching respectively to the msp files for annotation is also included. * [[peptidew:nistmsgads|NISTMS-GADS]] for spectral visualization and glycopeptide library (included) searching * [[peptidew:start|NIST Peptide Libraries]] **Previous Version:** \\ MS_Piano Version 1.0 download: {{ :peptidew:ms_piano_exe1.0.zip |ms_piano_exe1.0.zip}} \\ MS_Piano_dll.zip (for programmers use): {{ :peptidew:ms_piano_dll.zip |ms_piano_dll.zip}} \\ **Reference:** \\ MS_Piano: A Software Tool for Annotating Peaks in CID Tandem Mass Spectra of Peptides and N-Glycopeptides. \\ //__Xiaoyu Yang__, Pedatsur Neta, Yuri A. Mirokhin, Dmitrii V. Tchekhovskoi, Concepcion A. Remoroza, Meghan C. Burke, Yuxue Liang, Sanford P. Markey, and Stephen E. Stein// \\ Journal of Proteome Research 2021 20 (9), 4603-4609. [[https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acs.jproteome.1c00324| DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.1c00324]] For questions, please contact \\ [[https://www.nist.gov/people/xiaoyu-sara-yang|Xiaoyu (Sara) Yang]] \\ (email: xiaoyu.yang@nist.gov)