Table of Contents

NIST MSQC Pipeline

Attention: Support for NIST MSQC Pipeline is discontinued

Software for Monitoring LC-MS Performance

This program was written to systematically evaluate analytical performance of a common discovery-based proteomics platform by monitoring selected output from a liquid chromatography -mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) system. The software was developed to help researchers identify sources of variations due to analytical problems. The idea behind the software is that if analytical variations can be minimized using defined mixtures and metrics, variations due to biological differences in complex samples can be more confidently identified.

NIST MSQC expects that the MS/MS spectra are produced from analysis of a tryptic digest of a protein mixture. However, future releases will allow any set of MS/MS data files, such as those from analysis of metabolites or other small molecules and can be identified by a spectral library search, to be used. Typically, data files might come from routine analysis of a QC standard over time but may be from different instruments in the same or different laboratories. Analysis is carried out by calculating and comparing a defined set of data metrics from one or more set of MS data files. The use of this program does not require any new data acquisition; it has been designed to be run post-data acquisition and is therefore suitable for examining older data files for historical purposes. However, best practice for this software would be iterations of controlled runs of a sample, followed data analysis, and correction of any problems identified by fluctuations in key metrics.

This software contains many component software applications which are controlled by a single Perl program. The software is intended to be run as a “pipeline.” That is, processing starts from RAW mass spectrometry data files and is passed through many programs, where output from the previous application is required by the next. It is therefore important that the program be allowed to run in its entirety. Progress of the pipeline is reported by the software and a reasonable attempt has been made to catch common errors and provide suitable remedies.

Important Note on Data Formats: Use of this version is limited to analysis of data acquired on Thermo Scientific ion traps (e.g., LTQ, LTQ-Orbitrap, FT-LTQ) and Agilent QTOF mass spectrometers generating MS/MS spectra by CID or HCD. Future releases may allow comparison of data files generated on mass spectrometers produced by other manufacturers provided sources of accessible data formats can be identified.

Additional Requirements

Download and Installation Instruction

Attention: Support for NIST MSQC Pipeline is discontinued

Operating Instructions

NIST MSQC Pipeline
(click on the picture to see bigger image)

The main window of the program is divided into three tabs:

More detailed description for each tab is followed.


Run Progress

NIST MSQC Pipeline
(click on the picture to see bigger image)

  • While processing the data NIST MSQC Pipeline will display output information in the output box found in Run Progress tab. By checking the “Verbose” option on “Settings” tab the user can see more information on run progress
  • Errors - Any errors encountered during the processing of a run will be displayed in the error box found in “Run Progress” tab.

Reports / Logs

NIST MSQC Pipeline
(click on the picture to see bigger image)

  • Every run generates a number of different logs and reports. These reports can be viewed in “Reports / Logs” tab. The top list displays the name of the report. The report name is identical to the name of the folder selected in output directory path. Clicking on a report name will populate the bottom list which contains list of files generated during a run
  • The list of report files can be filtered to view only the desired files.

Additional Information

This document is intended to provide instructions on how to run the NIST MSQC software on your computer. The metrics and benchmark values have been reported in two publications (PubMed IDs: 19837981, 19858499). If you have questions about the metrics, please refer to these documents first.

For more background information, you may also wish to visit

Attention: Support for NIST MSQC Pipeline is discontinued