New Features in NIST MS Search version 2.0g (May 2011 release)

What's New in the NIST MS Search Program v.2.0g

The overall process involves four sequential steps.

  1. Search for the exact mass value in the NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Databases or any User Database and use of the accurate or exact mass as a search constraint.

  2. Search for exact fragment ion mass values in NIST 11 Databases mainlib, replib, and nist_msms.

  3. Display of the exact mass with any spectrum that has an associated elemental composition (chemical formula).

  4. Optional columns in Hit Lists containing the number of Synonyms and the number of Other Databases in which the Hit appears. The Hit List can be sorted according to the values in these columns.

  5. Managing and searching as many as 127 separate mass spectral databases instead of 16, which was the limit in previous versions.

  6. Up to 1,048,560 spectra in a single database instead of 786,420 spectra allowed in the previous versions.

  7. Import spectra from mzXML and mzData MS and MS/MS files (in addition to mgf, msp, dta, pkl, JCAMP, etc.)

  8. Option to turn off homolog hits in a Structure Similarity Search.

  9. Full compatibility with most recent NIST Peptide MS/MS Databases.

  10. Sorting the Spec List alphabetically and by the accession numbers.

  11. Copying selected lines from Hit List or Spec List into Windows Clipboard as tab-delimited Unicode text; this may be conveniently pasted into Excel.

  12. MS/MS Instrument Type constraint.

  13. Tags in Comment constraint has been enhanced to include Tags in Text Information window.

  14. When a Tagged item from the Comment is displayed separately in Text Information window its display in the Comment line is suppressed.

  15. Searching for a text in a Text Information window of a spectrum.

  16. Spectra in the MSP text format can be imported from the Windows Clipboard into the Spec List.

  17. Default view of Constraints and Other Searches dialog boxes changed to provide more convenience to the users.

  18. An alternative peak matching method has been added to improve the reliability of the score when searching noisy MS/MS spectra.

  19. The MS Interpreter Program displays high accuracy mass for both molecular ions and product ions and can use exact mass.

  20. The ability to Hot-Key between tab displays of the Program using Ctl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab has been added.