New Version – March 2023 (v. 3.4.5). Updated mechanisms and their rates for all fragmentation types (EI, Tandem positive and negative mode). This program connects mass spectral peaks to their probable chemical structure origin and can be quickly invoked from the NISTMS program with the F9 key or right mouse button followed by send to MS Interpreter. It also enables the display of isotopic envelopes, chemical formula calculations and other related calculations and user interface control.
Here is the link to download MS Interpreter:
Version 3.4.* replaces all earlier versions under 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.
MS Interpreter was described in a poster in the meeting of the International Mass Spectrometry Society, Edinburgh, UK, 2003, “An Automated Method for Verifying Structure-Spectral Consistency Based on Ion Thermochemistry”
MS Interpreter ASMS presentations (PDF) are also available: ASMS 2017ASMS 2018, ASMS 2019
No documentation is available except built-in help system. Select Help/What's New from MS Interpreter menu to get a list of newly added features, or open file MSPCALC.chm
The following instructions assume that you have a earlier version of MS Interpreter installed on your PC.
The following instructions assume that you do not have a earlier version of MS Interpreter installed on your PC.
The MS Interpreter window should pop up and display the selected spectrum and (if present) the chemical structure. The Help/About box should display “MS Interpreter Version 3.4” or later.
More detailed instruction is in the Readme.txt file included in the archive.