
Rat Ion Trap Library

May 30, 2013

This library was assembled from data contributed by many laboratories. Each library entry contains annotation specifying its origin. Additionally, a summary table of the many contributors to this library, including references, can be downloaded here (Excel file).

The libraries in the msp and NIST binary formats were updated on July 25, 2018. Previous versions of these files are available on request.

File - Description Size Link
2013_05_30_rat_consensus_final_true_lib.tar.gz - Consensus library in plain ASCII text (msp format). This format can be used as an exchange format. It is also directly readable by some software applications, including Skyline, after unzipping. 121MB Download
2013_05_30_rat_nist.tar.gz - Consensus library in NIST binary format. The folder generated by extracting this package can be used directly by MS Search or MSPepSearch and by the MSPepSearch node within Proteome Discoverer. 233MB Download
2013_05_30_rat_spectrast.tar.gz - Consensus library in SpectraST format. These library files can be directly searched by SpectraST after the package is extracted. 288MB Download
rat_fasta.tar.gz - FASTA file used to create the library. 8MB Download
README.txt - Readme file. 4MB Download
md5_checklist.chk - MD5 hash file. 1KB Download
  • Total number of Spectra: 61,707
  • Unique Peptide Sequences: 42,167
  • Total Proteins in FASTA file used: 27,780
  • Proteome Coverage: 6.64%

© Copyright information
These mass spectral libraries are protected by copyright law and may not be re-distributed without a valid Distribution Agreement. To receive such an agreement, contact the Standard Reference Data Program at the National Institute of Standards and Technology by emailing or calling 301-975-2008.

peptidew/lib/rat_it.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/08 22:08 (external edit)

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